Bubbles is brimming with excitement at the opportunity to lavish you all with sumptuous sculpted prim wigs so as your precious bald heads wont get chilly. It has been Bubbles's great honor to be invited to be part of the glamorous and ever so creative Tableau. Although Bubbles has yet to create more then one wig (fabulous can not be rushed darlings) he looks forward to bringing you lovely creatures more opulent, luxuriant, plush, and fabulous creations then those that have sprung from your wildest little fantasies.
"But what does your first wig look like Bubbles? I am sitting on the edge of my seat practically wetting myself with anticipation!" is what you may be saying to yourself right now. Bubbles understands your enthusiasm precious, so he has taken time out of his tragically busy schedule of drinking wine, reading romance novels, and hob nobbing with A list celebrities to post a picture or two.
This lovely creature is Bubble's model who goes by the monicker "Lola". Bubbles found her on one of his many fabulous world travels. The poor girl washed up on shore on a secluded island Bubbles was sharing with Gary Busey for a quiet tropical holiday. The poor thing could barely remember who she was but told Bubbles a sad, sad story about how she'd tragically become bald (Bubbles can not remember the exact story darlings, the wine has taken effect) and Bubbles knew that she'd make the perfect wig model.
Clawtooth by Clawtooth is located in Tableau by Nylon Outfitters. Please do stop in you delicate things and bla bla bla bla bla. Bubbles love you, ta-ta!